Tic Tac Toe Game Board

Free craft instructions to make a tic tac toe travel gameboard.

Great Take Along Game for Car Trips!


                               Materials: 7" x 9" Chalkboard (or size you desire)
Acrylic Paint - Color of your choice
Two 10" pieces of string
Small eye hook
Hole punch
5" Square soft fabric (an old t-shirt works well)
Fabric paint of various colors - in squeeze bottles
All purpose sealer
Paint brush
Chalk (I used sidewalk chalk)


  1) If needed, lightly sand the wooden border of your chalkboard.

2) On the border, paint on all-purpose sealer and let dry.

3) Now, paint the border with two coats of acrylic paint letting dry completely between coats.

4) Using the fabric paint in squeeze bottles, draw the tic-tac-toe lines on the board itself. Be sure to measure so they are even. Decorate the wooden border with x and o’s and write "Tic-Tac-Toe" on the board. Let dry completely.

5) Screw the eye hook into the side of the border toward the bottom.

6) Punch a hole in the corner of the 5" scrap of fabric. Tie one piece of string thru this hole and tie the other end to the eye hook. You will use this to wipe the board clean between games.

7 About ½" below the end of the chalk, use scissors to make a groove all the way around the piece of chalk. To do this, open the scissors and put the chalk in between the blades of the scissors then simply turn the chalk while holding the scissors still. Tie a piece of string around this groove and tie the other end to the eye hook.

Now you are ready to play!



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