Shamrock Banner

craft ideas for St. Patrick's Day


  • 12 ½" x 7" Piece of Heavyweight Sew-in Interfacing
  • Green Permanent Marker
  • Red Fabric Paint in Squeeze bottle
  • 6" Square of Green Print Fabric
  • White Glue
  • Two 10mm Googly Eyes
  • Shamrock Shaped Confetti
  • Hot Glue Gun or Sewing Machine
  • 22" Piece of Crochet Thread or String
  1. Fold down 1"S of the interfacing on the 7" end and either sew along the edge or hot glue the seam closed but before doing this lay the piece of string on the interfacing so that it is sandwiched inside the fold.  The side with the seam will be the back of your banner.
  2. Knot the two loose ends of the string. This will be the hanger for your banner.
  3. Cut a shamrock shape out of the green fabric and glue it to the center of the banner making sure you are working on the front. If you have pinking sheers, they can be used to cut out the shamrock to help prevent fraying.
  4. Glue the googly eyes on the shamrock. Using the fabric paint draw a mouth on the shamrock.
  5. Use the green marker to write "Happy St. Patrick's Day!" or what ever message you would like.
  6. Finally, randomly glue the shamrock shaped confetti on the banner to give it some sparkle.

    *Green fabric paint can also be used to write "Happy St. Patrick's Day!"

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Full size Shamrock pattern for St. Patricks Day banner - kids craft