
Clusters of three double crochet stitches worked at an angle for a unique look make up the key tab stitch . There are countless applications for this pattern such as a baby blanket or sweater set. The key tab crochet stitch is recommended for those with intermediate or above crochet skills.

Materials and Supplies

Any weight yarn with the appropriate size crochet hook. Our sample was made using worsted weight yarn and a size H (5.0 mm) crochet hook.

beg = beginning
ch = chain
dc = double crochet
rep = repeat
sc = single crochet
sk = skip
sp = space
st(s) = stitch (es)
yo = yarn over

Craft Instructions

Multiple of 4 sts + 6

Special Abbreviation: Custer = work 3dc into next st until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 4 loops on hook.

Row 1 (right side): Work 1 cluster into 5th ch from hook (dc, ch 1 formed at beg of row) ch 1, sk 2 ch, sc into next ch, *ch 3, 1 cluster into next ch, ch 1, sk 2 ch, sc into next ch, rep from * to last 2 ch, ch 2, dc into last ch, turn.
Row 2: Ch 4 (count as 1 dc, 1 ch), 1 cluster into first ch 2 sp, ch 1, *sc into next ch 3 sp, ch 3, 1 cluster into same sp as last sc, ch 1; rep from * to last ch sp, sc into last ch sp, ch 2, dc into 3rd of 4 ch at beg of previous row, turn.

Rep row 2.

Printable Instructions

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